cats in art
Originally uploaded by Other Lisa.
Mags takes art very seriously, as you can see...her other interests include recent Chinese history and fine cuisine. She has formed her own theory about the mysterious death of Lin Biao, but I have not been able to get to tell me what it is...
She is probably afraid that the knowledge might be dangerous for you--
Hi Lisa,
Cute cat, I am a cat lover also. And I also have a tortie kitty, but mine is a Persian. I see you have Lin Bao book. When I go to someone's home, I can't help but like to spy on what books on the bookshelf. =)
JR, my book collection is scary-huge! When I moved into my new (to me) house, I had to build an entire wall of bookcases to hold it...and I'm just about out of room...
Hi, Other Lisa. Thanks for stopping by Child of Illusion. I'm glad you liked the kitties. Yours is darling!
We got rid of most of our books Before we moved out of state, we had 16 to 18 big plastic tote boxes of books. We brought them to a resale bookstore, the guy gave me $7 for all of them, because we had put moffballs in them. (Most of the books were hardcovers probably add up to over a thousand dollar worth.)
Talking about cats, I used to show Persian cats, my red Persians were champions, and had over 50 cats at one time in my cattery. We got rid of all but 3 of our favorite cats awhile back ago. Unfortunately two of my older cats died last year. We moved into a 6000 sq ft Arts and Crafts Tudor home with 9 bedrooms here in upstate NY. My all time fave cat, a red male, died the same month we moved into the house. We suspected that he accidentally ate rat poisons hidden somewhere in the house. Before that, a blue-cream point Himalayan girl died of bleeding painfully from her chin during our travel two months earlier. Our vets couldnt find out the reasons.
I had two Pekingese dogs also but I don't let them romp free inside the house. (one of them is not house-broken) I am alone in the house a lot of time, and my Tortie furball named Muffy just follows me around everywhere. She likes to be held upside down, likes to run up/downstair, back and forth down the hallway like a maniac. She likes to sleep under the blanket, on top of my printer, kitchen counter, dining table, or on the window silt in the sunroom but will run to you if you call her name and play with her catnip ladden toys.
JR, your tortie sounds adorable! It's always so sad to lose one, isn't it? I have four. Three are getting up there: Wolfgang is close to 17, Murphy is close to 16, Mags (the tortie) close to 15...and then there's Spike, who's almost 6. he is the size of a small pony!
About two years ago, we had to struggle about putting our older pekingese girl to sleep. she was becoming chronically ill because of heartworms. She lost most of her hair. she had been coughing, baffing and becoming shaky and skinny. It was a very slow process, finally we decided to put her to sleep. It was an awful experience because I felt like she did not died naturally. When our Himaylayan cat got sick all of a sudden one day, we brought her to 3 different vets, blood tests after blood tests, none of the vets knew the reasons she was bleeding from her chin. The medicines and the shots made her even sicker. We had planned a cross the country road trip at the time, feeling guilty about putting my dog to sleep, we finally decided to bring our dying cat with us. She died in Nashville days later.
That's so sad, I'm so sorry. But you make the best decision you can at the time, and I'm sure that's what you did.
I always feel like the worst thing is that they can't tell you what's wrong and you can't really tell them that you're doing all this stuff (shots & meds and vets) to help them get better. Though I tell them that anyway...poor Mags has been sick for 8 months (or longer) with some kind of unidentifed inflammatory bowel problem - it's a real challenge keeping her fed and medicated and happy. And given her age, how aggressive/instrusive does it make sense to be? I wasn't going to have them do exploratory surgery on a 14 year old cat, for example.
I'm at home sick and have two cats (including the aforementioned Mags) competing for lap space with my laptop.
Do you have flu? I got a mild one in December. Do you remember the flu in 1999 to 2000? I got mine from inside an escalator in downtown LA. It was one of the worst one I got in memory. Take good care of yourself. Don't work too hard.
For your cat, what is imflamatory bowel symdrome? Is it like having loose stools? For that, have you tried Fragil (SP?) for your cat. It is great to stop cats diarhea. It is very cheap also, you can buy it from pet store.
Dear JR,
I don't think it's the flu, but it's pretty annoying...I had the flu a few years ago and got very sick...this is more like, I can drag myself around and do things, it's just not much fun...
Inflammatory bowel syndrome - well the cat's intestines get inflamed; they don't know why, can be lymphoma or food allergies or all kinds of stuff - the symptoms vary, throwing up, loose stools, loss of apetite - I'll look for the medicine you mentioned - can't hurt!
Thanks for the info and well-wishes...
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