Monday, May 23, 2005

Good Luck With That...

In an effort to crack down on corruption, philandering Nanjing officials will be required to confess their extra-marital affairs, according to a new Nanjing regulation:
Ninety-five percent of China's convicted officials caught sticking their fingers in government coffers had mistresses, it said, citing psychologists.

The report said that in China's prospering southern cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai, of 102 corruption cases recently investigated all of the officials were having affairs.
Not everyone agrees with this attempt to regulate morality:
"The measure violates a citizen's privacy rights and China's marriage law, which allows everyone the freedom to marry and divorce," said Mo Jihong, a researcher at the Institute of Law Science under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

He added that the regulation was preposterous since no official in their right mind would volunteer information about their extra-marital love life.

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